Friendship Circle creates friendship in the lives of individuals with special needs and those facing isolation while providing an opportunity to become a contributing member of the community. Through our programming, Friendship Circle aims to promote an inclusive community that values all individuals regardless of the challenges they face.
Friendship Circle functions under the guidance of the Jewish Youth Library of Ottawa. Friendship Circle is non-sectarian/humanitarian and hopes to support all people in Ottawa and the surrounding areas, along with the Jewish community.
Friendship Circle Ottawa is looking for volunteers for its Friends @ Home program, which benefits children with special needs. Individuals with special needs enjoy weekly visits in their homes from a buddy volunteer.
Volunteers are needed in the following placements:
Big Brother: We are looking for an outgoing teenager (male, preferably Jewish in the 15-18 year-old range) in the Westboro area to act as a Big Brother for boys with various learning and emotional needs.
Big Sister: We are looking for a female teen-early 20's volunteer to act as a Big Sister for girls with various learning and emotional needs.
Special Group Activities: Do you have a special talent or ideas for activities that you would like to bring to Friendship Circle (making slime, drawing classes, etc.)? Let us know!
• Have experience working with children
• Interest/experience working with children with various special needs
• Be able to travel to various parts of the city
• Comfortable meeting in-person at child’s home or with parental supervision outdoors near the family’s home
• All volunteer hours can be submitted to receive high school community service school credits.