Volunteers are a vital component of our community, providing many hours of selfless service and support to those in need. Their dedication and commitment creates a sense of unity and a ripple effect of generosity and compassion.

This year, three awards will be presented on June 19, 2024:

  • Rabbi Reuven Bulka Shem Tov Community Volunteer Award
  • Freiman Family Young Leadership Award and the Lawrence Greenberg Young Leadership Development Award
  • The Jewish Communal Professional Leadership Award

To find out more about each of the outstanding recipients, click the award title links on the right. 

Mazel Tov to this year's recipients!

Questions? Please contact us by email at info@jewishottawa.com

(See full list by selecting each award)

Freiman Family Young Leadership Award
and the Lawrence Greenberg Young Leadership Development Award

2023 - Jessica Greenberg
2022 - Danya Vered
2021 - Dr. Madelaine Hill Werier and Jonah Rabinovitch
2020 - Adina Libin
2019 - Alan Shefrin
2018 - Aaron Smith
2017 - Gillian Presner
2016 - Debbie Scharf
2015 - Howard Fremeth
2014 - Tamara Fathi
2013 - Stacey Segal
2012 - Sharon Reichstein
2011 - Lisa Miller
2010 - Sarah Silverstein


Rabbi Reuven Bulka Shem Tov Community Volunteer Award

2023 - Sandra Zagon
2022 - Harold Feder
2021 - Barbara Levinson and Joel Diener
2020 - Sharon and David Appotive
2019 - Charles Schachnow
2018 - Michael Landau
2017 - Hyman Reichstein
2016 - Merle Haltrecht-Matte
2015 - Flo Morgan
2014 - Henry Molot
2013 - Ruth Aaron
2012 - Issie Scarowsky
2011 - Morris Kimmel z"l
2010 - Blanche Osterer

Gilbert Greenberg Distinguished Leadership Award

2023 - Donna Dolansky
2021 - Debbie Halton-Weiss
2019 - Steven Kimmel
2017 - Jeffrey Miller
2015 - Jonathan Ben-Choreen Freedman
2014 - Mitchell Bellman
2013 - Maureen Molot
2012 - No winner
2011 - Ian M. Sherman
2010 - Ron Prehogan


Jewish Communal Professional Leadership Award

2022 - Sarah Beutel (inaugural year)