Help Build our Community!

Are you looking to share your expertise with others and for a meaningful way to give back?  
Tell us how you want to get involved in building Jewish life and community, caring for our most vulnerable, and making the world a better place (tikkun olam). 
Why volunteer in the Jewish community? 
  • Meet like-minded people and form lasting relationships 
  • Connect to Jewish life 
  • Explore your passions outside of the workplace  
  • Leave a mark on organizations through your personal and professional experience 
  • Help organizations build strong foundations so they can fulfill their goals 
Ready to Take the Next Step? 
Fill out a Volunteer Profile (new as of Jan 31, 2024) to let us know your interests, skills and availability. Our Community Engagement Specialist, Alysha Blakey, will be in touch with you to find the perfect fit.  
Have questions or want to learn more? 
Contact Alysha at ablakey@jewishottawa.com. She will be happy to guide you in the right direction. 


Volunteer by Organization