General office work: Hillel Lodge is looking for volunteers to help out with various office and administrative duties. Have a talent to share? Performers and performance groups are encouraged to volunteer!
For more information please email, or call Marlene at 613-728-3900, ext. 191.
General JET Volunteer Needs - we can always use a hand to keep things running smoothly!
Help needed with photocopies, alphabetizing, sorting, filing, answering phone calls or emails, inputting data onto the computer; organized and task-oriented volunteers needed, computer skills needed.
For more information call 613-695-4800 or email
Audio recording digitization
The archives has hundreds of audio records from obituaries to interviews that need to be digitized. The volunteer would work with audio cassettes and CD-ROMs to digitize the massive collection so these recordings are more easily accessible.
Photograph Organization and Conservation - Occupied
The OJA is in the process of reorganizing its photograph collection. The volunteer will have the opportunity to work with photographs by labelling individual photos with accession numbers, and creating protective mylar sleeves.
The OJA maintains a blog with entries written by students, volunteers and the archivist. The volunteer will have the opportunity to pick a topic and write about it. This can be anything from research into an event, object, or person, to their experience in the archives.
For more information, please contact Anne: 613-798-4698 x355 or
General clerical work needed such as filing, stuffing envelopes and more. If you are interested, please contact Anne:613-798-4698 x355 or
Tamir is always looking for support from community members who are motivated the share their skills and talents with our participants. Current opportunities include:
For more information on volunteer opportunities at Tamir contact 613-725-3519, ext. 112 or at
Have Questions?
We're here to help! For more information, contact Anne: 613-798-4698 x 355