The Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship (CHES) mission is to develop educational programs in order to promote knowledge and understanding of the history and legacy of the Holocaust. CHES offers year round programming and events whose objectives include combating prejudice and racism and promoting respect for diversity, social justice and human rights. We are a volunteer-run centre, and we are always looking for additional volunteers who are interested in contributing, whether as committee members for event planning, governance, fundraising, or grant writing. If you are interested in joining us, or for more information please contact
The Board of Hillel Lodge is inviting energetic, compassionate and innovative people to submit an application for a seat on our Board.
Hillel Lodge is a 121 bed provincial long term care institution that is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board has between 10 - 14 members. The Board employs and supervises the CEO of the Lodge, who then manages and operates the facility. Each year, our Board admits a few new members who can bring energy, innovation and compassion to our team. We are looking for individuals with different skill sets, whether in business, finance/accounting, marketing, communication, law, health care, education, IT, etc. A knowledge of the health care sector is not required. We meet on average once a month in the evening for about 2 hours. Working on our Board is an opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of the frail elderly in our community, and to be part of the development of the new strategic plan for the Lodge.
If you would like to have the opportunity to join the Board of Hillel Lodge, you are very welcome to contact Arlene Rosenbloom, at, for further information and/ or to submit an application for consideration for a position on the Board.
JFS is a full service agency serving the Jewish and general community of the greater Ottawa area. We offer more than 65 programs and services to children, youth, adults and seniors. We are always interested in additional talented volunteers who want to contribute. We are always looking for new volunteers to contribute to JFS whether as committee members (HR, governance, fundraising, strategic planning, finance and audit) and other opportunities as they arise. If someone is interested, please contact Sarah Caspi via email at
Survivors and/ or Second Generation family members are invited to participate. This committee is tasked with advising JFS staff on the implementation of grants from the Claims Conference and the Azrieli Foundation to support the needs of Survivors in Ottawa. The committee meets for 1-2 hours every three months at 2255 Carling Ave. For more information please contact Iris at or 613-722-2225 x311.
JET’s goal is to bring a wide variety of classes, programs, holiday events and more to Jews of all backgrounds. Whatever your interest, or level of knowledge/practice, we want you to feel inspired and connected to Jewish life!
JET is looking for volunteers to join the JET Board! Help guide the organization while developing your leadership and teamwork skills by participating in strategic planning, finances, marketing and promotion. For more information call 613 695 4800 or email
Every year, we send out over 1000 food baskets to help our community celebrate Purim! The Mishloach Manot committee is looking for new members to help us find products for the baskets, product placement, marketing, organization, finances, etc. For more information call 613-695-4800 or email
Jewish Unity Live is our annual Gala, featuring entertainment, inspiration, and delicious food! We need a committee of dedicated volunteers to meet, plan and organize the event including: budget, venue, catering, honourees, entertainment, marketing, etc. Be a part of our gala event of the year! For more information call 613-695-4800 or email
We welcome committee members to help plan our annual week of Jewish learning, with tons of great classes and a special Shabbat program! Members help with venue, menu-planning, marketing, lecturer, finances, organization and managing volunteers. For more information call 613-695-4800 or email
The Federation is seeking volunteers who would like to contribute to the Jewish community through active committee membership for a term of two years. The call is open to any interested individual. If you are interested in joining a committee with in the Federation, or connected agencies, please reach out to Anne at or 613-798-4698 ext.355.
Mitzvah Day Planning Committee (Jewish Federation of Ottawa)
JFO is recruiting new volunteer members to plan the February 2020 community-wide Mitzvah Day event. Open to all. Contact: Tanya Poirier at or call 613-798-4696 ext. 241.
WCPP seeks to bring about social change by supporting initiatives that strive to expand and improve the opportunities and choices in the lives of women and children in our local community. WCPP seeks to engage, educate and empower members of our community. In particular, we are seeking new and emerging leaders who are interested in a long-term commitment as we plan for leadership succession. Additionally, new members may contribute to programming our annual speaker series, event planning, grant application reviews, and friend-raising. Contact Lynne Oreck-Wener at or 613-769-6151.