


We know it can be tough to move to a new city, especially when it comes to finding people and places that will help you feel at home. Many of us have done it, and we get it! That’s why we want to help make every step of your new life in Ottawa as comfortable as we can.


Here are a few ways we can help:


  1. Come in for a visit! We are happy to meet with you, tell you about our community and connect you to people and groups based on your interests. Send an email to Alysha Blakey, Community Engagement Specialist ablakey@jewishottawa.com to set up a visit or ask a question. 
  2. Read about community events in the monthly E-News, and subscribe to the Ottawa Jewish E-Bulletin to receive interesting news articles in your email box.
    Current links can be found on our homepage.
  3. Get involved in social groups: