How to Write to Political Leaders

Join our letter-writing campaign:
Your voice, thoughts, and advocacy will play a pivotal role in raising awareness and promoting understanding. By writing these letters, you are helping to combat hate and prejudice, and your efforts will make a meaningful difference in our community.
The call for action and the letter templates will be updated as needed.
Letter templates:

Tracking our advocacy:
Please track your letter writing here so we can gauge our efforts.
Email addresses:
Find your riding and email your city councillor identifying yourself as a member of their riding; email the entire council as well. Find council list here.
Find your your school zone and email your area school trustee identifying yourself as a member of their ward; email all school trustees as well. Find trustee list here.
Send a message to Prime Minister Trudeau and the Government of Canada: tell them that the issue is Hamas, not Israel, and to support Israelis in their fight against terror. You can send an email through our advocacy agent, CIJA, by clicking here.
Write to your Member of Provincial Parliament. Find list here.
Write to your MP. Find list here.
Consider writing a letter to the editor. Find info here.