Chevra Kadisha

To learn about Chevra Kadish visit. For more information, please contact Issie Scarowsky at 613-729-4444.


Keeping Kosher

Looking for Kosher food in Ottawa? Visit the Ottawa Vaad HaKashrut  for a list of places to get Kosher food.


New to Ottawa?

Ten Yad of Ottawa provide support for people moving to Ottawa including customized info-packages to help Jewish families new in town get oriented with the community. Download a neighborhood specific info-package here.


Ottawa Community Eruv

The Ottawa Community Eruv is bounded on the north by the Ottawa river, and on all other sides by a 50.4-km-long wall made up of 213 doorposts, or lechoyayim, with connecting lintels.
Find out more here.


Ottawa Jewish Archives

The Archives is dedicated to gathering, recording and preserving the collective memory of the Jewish community in Ottawa and making the historical records accessible to all persons for their use, well-being and enjoyment. Read more here.


Ottawa Jewish E-Bulletin

Local community e-newspaper offering news and updates about current issues, upcoming events and Ottawa Jewish life.

Learn more.


Soloway Jewish Community Center

Ottawa’s JCC is a hub for community life, activities and events.

Visit their website.


Synagogues in Ottawa

Choose from a variety of congregations that best fits you and your level of observance.

Click here for a list.


Volunteer Center

Interested in getting more involved in the community? Whether you’re looking for a short or long term commitment, there are a variety of volunteer opportunities available. Check out our Volunteer page, we will help you find a role that is rewarding and enjoyable for you.

Have Questions? We're here to help! For more information, contact Alysha Blakey.