Early years (undated)
Rabbis of Ottawa during United Jewish Appeal (UJA) • 1979
Mayor Lorry Greenberg addressing educators in his office. Sherwood Photographers • Dec. 1978
Rabbi Bulka with Ben Matchen, MVP of the Ottawa Jewish Men's Softball League. • 1974
Choir members and Rabbi Bulka lead the annual Simchat Torah Rally for Soviet Jewry before the Russian Embassy on Charlotte Street in Ottawa. • 1970s
Rabbi Bulka, front row, second from left, played on Yankel's, the Jewish Men's softball team. • 1970s
While Rabbi Bulka was the team's pitcher (a leftie), he is shown here at bat.
Rabbi Bulka baking matzah with Grade 7 students at Talmud Torah Afternoon School. • 1989
Ethiopian Jewry, a program of the Jewish Community Centre • 1988
Soviet Jewry rally, Rabbi Bulka and Gerry Kaufman at the Soviet Embassy gate in Ottawa • 1989
Presentation of Ottawa Jewish Men's Softball League trophies • 1980s
Rabbis of Ottawa in Lorry Greenberg's office during the UJA. L-R: Rabbi Berger, Rabbi Bulka, Rabbi Herring, Hy Hochberg. Seated: R. Schreier, S. Marcus and Lorry Greenberg. Photograph: Andre Sima • 1981
Rabbi Bulka
Rabbi Bulka thanking Roger and Robert Greenberg at the 65th AGM of the Jewish Community Council of Ottawa / Ottawa Vaad Ha'ir. Photograph: Randy Stille, Byfield Pitman Photography • June 1999
Rabbi Bulka, Barbara Farber and Mitchell Bellman • June 1999
Machzikei Hadas Sisterhood reception for new Canadians • June 1994
Rabbi Bulka speaking at a Solidarity Rally for Syrian Jewry. Photo credit: Robin Chernick • Oct 1992
Speaker Michael Schelew walking with Rabbi Bulka at Solidarity Rally for Syrian Jewry. • 1992
Machzikei Hadas Sisterhood reception for new Canadians. L-R: Back row; Dora Lithwack, Helen Froman, Pat Binder, Sylvia Kershman and Rabbi Bulka. Front row; Hennie Honigman. • 1994
Rabbi Bulka with participants of the Soloway Jewish Community Centre of Ottawa / Machzikei Hadas Congregation Run for the Cure. • Sept. 2000
AGM at the Soloway Jewish Community Centre • 2000-2001
Annual Sports Breakfast of Champions at the Soloway Jewish Community Centre. • June 2002
Rabbi Bulka with AJ Frieman and Freiman Family Young Leadership award winner at AGM • 2000
Marguerite E. Ritchie speaking at the solidarity rally to protest the unfair imprisonment and convictions of 10 Iranian Jews. • 2000
Rabbi Bulka showing his support for the Ottawa Senators at a community event. Photo by Peter Waiser • 2007
Rabbi Bulka speaking at Federation's Annual General Meeting. Photo by Peter Waiser • 2009
From left, Rabbi Bulka with Ottawa Jewish War Veterans in front of Hillel Lodge, front row; Rabbi Bulka, Unknown, Sam Ages, Unknown, Unknown, Sam Petigorsky, Morton Taller, Bert Bronsther, Freda Lithwick. Photo credit: Elly Bollegraf • 2004
Rabbi Bulka with Steven Kimmel, Debbie Halton-Weiss and Ron Weiss • 2009
Rabbi Bulka donating blood for the 300th time. • 2008
Rabbi Bulka with his wife Leah on the stairs at Congregation Machzichei Hadas. Photo by Peter Waiser • 2009
A portrait photo taken of Rabbi Bulka. Photo by Peter Waiser • 2005
Liz Vered with daughters Ariel, Danya, Jordana and Alexandra are pictured with Rabbi Bulka (who delivered Vered's speech) and Robert Greenberg. AGM, 2008
Israel Solidarity Rally on Parliament Hill, Ottawa. L-R: Rabbi Fine, Rabbi Finkelstein, Rabbi Braun, Rabbi Bulka, Rabbi Garten. • 2002
2000 - 2009
On the occasion of Shmuel Prizant's Bar Mitzvah in 2010. Photo by Peter Waiser.
Unveiling a new stamp with his wife Leah. Photo by Peter Waiser • 2010
Rabbi Bulka speaking at the 2010 National Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony at the War Museum. Photo by Peter Waiser • 2010
Rabbi Bulka with Jewish war veterans. Photo by Peter Waiser • 2010
At a Federation AGM, from left, Rabbi Bulka, Donna Dolansky, Mitchell Bellman, Jonathan Freedman. Photo by Peter Waiser
Rabbi Bulka and Jesse Gorman, a Grade 7 student at Toronto’s United Synagogue Day School at the 2010 Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony. Photo by Peter Waiser • 2010
Rabbi Bulka and Harry Prizant. Photo by Peter Waiser. 2011
Stephen Victor, Roger Greenberg, Mitchell Bellman and Rabbi Bulka. Photo by Peter Waiser • 2012
Rabbi Bulka and the Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation board members • 2016
With Elon Gold, Campaign Kickoff • 2019
Rabbi Steven Garten and Rabbi Bulka joined a special lip-synch performance to help launch Federation's Annual Campaign Kickoff in 2018. Here they are dancing to L'Chaim - To Life! Photo by Wellington Imagery
Andrea Freedman and Rabbi Bulka pose with the Stanley Cup. • 2019
From left, Ron Prehogan, councillor Jean Cloutier, Mayor Jim Watson, Rabbi Bulka and Bram Bregman at the ceremony dedicating Rabbi Bulka Kindness Park in 2019.
From left, Avi Bulka (Rabbi Bulka's grandson), Shmuel Bulka, (son) and Rabbi Bulka at a Sens game. • 2019.
Dr. Karen Palayew and Rabbi Bulka speak at the 2019 Annual Campaign Kickoff in their roles as co-chairs of the Campaign. Photo by Wellington Imagery
Rabbi Bulka congratulates Rabbi Idan Scher for donating blood at a blood drive • 2018
Rabbi Bulka speaking at a Remembrance Day Ceremony.
Former Ontario premier Bob Rae, Brigadier-General Keith Osmond, and Major Rick Cameron, personally delivered an award from the Chief of Defence staff in recognition of Rabbi Bulka's great service to Canada and our troops. • 2021
2010 +
Many thanks for photos supplied by the Ottawa Jewish Archives,
Peter Waiser, Wellington Imagery and many others. While we have attempted to ensure that these photographs are accurately identified and credited, Federation apologises for any error.
Please contact sbordeleau@jewishottawa.com if we can improve content therein.