In a direct response to the 92nd call to action from the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the Jewish Federation of Ottawa invited the community to participate in a customized and comprehensive Indigenous awareness training program facilitated by the First Peoples Group.

The Jewish Federation of Ottawa is grateful to our speakers and thank them for sharing their personal stories, valuable knowledge and historical expertise with our community. 

It was a privilege to learn with these impressive leaders and we hope our participants also felt the benefit of this special opportunity as we take steps together toward reconciliation. For those who may have missed a session, below are the recordings.
For further info, please contact Anne Read at
First Nations and Reconciliation:
Bob Watts

Additional Resources: 
Published in the Ottawa Jewish E-Bulletin, 2022:

"Unity out of diversity: Join Federation for Indigenous awareness training"

"Learning about Inuit with First Peoples Group"

Treaties Recognition Week 2023
"IAO - Partnership Opportunities"