Women's Philanthropy

Why a Woman Should Give an Individual Gift?
The Woman's Campaign division, led by Evelyn Silverman is an integral and important part of the Annual Campaign. Yet, there are many women who say, “We give as a family.” Why should each woman give a separate gift?

BECAUSE we are individuals. We have the ability to demonstrate our personal commitment to Jewish life by making our own pledge. We are asserting ourselves in all fields of endeavour and should not abdicate responsibility in the vital area of philanthropy.

BECAUSE many women have access to more resources than ever.
We are managing the finances of the largest spousal and generational transfer of wealth ever.

BECAUSE your individual and our collective women’s gifts matter.
Annually, nearly three quarters of a million dollars from women’s individual gifts play a major role in meeting the needs of Jews in Ottawa, in Israel and throughout the world.

BECAUSE we impact Jewish political power.
Your individual pledge is an essential vote for Jewish survival – one that reverberates through the heart of our community.

We have a choice. We can either hope that someone else will do it OR we can ensure the vitality of world Jewry ourselves. Our individual gift will affect the vitality of the community in which we – and our children and grandchildren – live.


  • Donate today!

    Funding to the campaign powers all our efforts and allows the Federation to advance and promote an exceptional quality of Jewish life. Please make your gift today and help ensure the continued vibrancy of Ottawa's Jewish community!
    Donate online, or call Jean Myers at 613-798-4696, x242.

Get involved

We seek to provide significant opportunities for all women to affirm their Jewish identity and spirituality, to be proactive in evolving issues of concern to contemporary Jewish women, to engage new cadres of participants and leaders in our communities and to inspire other Jewish women by example. If you would like to get involved, or make a gift, please email Yudit Simmons or call 613-798-4696, x296.


Lion of Judah
Lions each donate more than $5,000. The gold Lion of Judah pin is worn proudly by women all over the world. As a woman increases her donation, a new jewel replaces the eye of the lion, showing her growing commitment.

For more information, please contact Yudit Simmons at ysimmons@jewishottawa.com