Funding is available for the following purposes:
• To support new programs that offer deep-dives into Jewish learning and Jewish communal life.
• To improve on a program piloted through Microgrants; seeking to improve and/or expand the program and continue to build up client base.
• Legacy Program Funding recipients can apply for this funding stream, but only for new programs/initiatives.
Eligibility requirements to be considered for funding
Applications will only be accepted for consideration, if the following prerequisites are met and agreed to:
• The program fits with Federation’s mission: to advance and promote an exceptional quality of Jewish life; and its vision: a thriving Ottawa Jewish community that is inclusive, accessible, educated and engaged.
• Through sustained activity, applications have the ability to build affiliation and Jewish identity; engaging more people in Jewish life – thus increasing traffic on the Jewish Superhighway.
• Funded group and organizations agree:
• To administer necessary survey and/or reporting requirements
• To guidelines re: Federation logo and promotion as a funder, etc.
• Funded groups and organizations accept funding with the full understanding:
• The group/organization will be responsible for all future program costs once the Jewish Journeys funding time-frame has ended.
• For multi-year funding, after the first year of funding, in order to maintain eligibility (if appropriate by all other measures), applicants must demonstrate ongoing success in meeting the Fund’s goals and criteria.
Evaluation Criteria
A committee will rank applications on the following criteria:
• Event/activity has the potential to appeal to those who are less engaged in Jewish life
• The experience will be meaningful and impactful for participants
• The experience offered fills a gap and/or directly appeals to an under-served population
• The experience offered is done in direct partnership with another organization and/or is synergistic with the works of others in the community
• Efficacy of action plan (clear work-plan and time lines; accurate budget projection; strong case for the initiative; ability to meet eligibility requirements)
• Clarity that the funding will be used to:
• Pilot new and creative events, programs and initiatives; or
• Scale up successful programs/activities to increase their impact in the community