Innovative Capacity Building Fund

This donor-directed fund aims to ensure local Jewish organizations have sound organizational health and a broad capacity to manage change. Funded projects help organizations innovate and adapt to new realities, offer professional development initiatives, and engage in re-visioning or strategic planning processes. This fund provides one-time allocation of funds of up to $10,000.

• Help organizations manage change, and adapt to new realities
• Improves organizational health (board development, implement program evaluation metrics, improve financial structure, etc.)
• Builds bridges; brings multiple organizations together to share resources and collaboratively deliver a service, or improve the delivery of an existing service
• Offers one-time educational programs, training initiatives, or professional development opportunities, which aim to increase the capacity of individuals, build trust between organizations, or provide solutions to current communal challenges


Sorry, we are no longer accepting applications.


Please visit this link for a table of distributions to organizations, from 2014 to 2024.

Who is eligible to apply?                                                                       

• Agencies currently funded by the Jewish Federation of Ottawa and local synagogues are eligible to apply.
• Agencies are encouraged to partner with other organizations (partners need not be currently funded organizations, as long as the lead organization is).


Please select the "Information and FAQs" button at far right to read more about eligibility, evaluation criteria and important details.

How to apply?

Apply by completing the online application. To get started, create a user ID & login; under “Funds” select Innovative Capacity Building Fund, read through the application, and be sure to save your progress.

For more information, please contact Anne Read at