Family testimonials
“For my child, this opportunity is remarkable. She loves it so much. She loves her friends, she loves her teachers; she loves learning, she loves singing, she loves praying; being with these friends doing those things makes her happier than I have seen her since she was little. It moves me to tears to be watching her so happy, so much at home.
For me, not being able to pay fully, and not being able even offer more, to be generous, is sad and embarrassing; it makes me feel anxious; but the kindness and the graciousness of our benefactors also makes me feel loved, makes me feel helped to parent my daughter well and Jewishly… I am so beyond grateful. I just can’t thank you all enough. My child is very sure and certain about her Jewish identity, and the Jewish marriage, family, and community she wants to build as an adult. The scholarship you are providing is like plant food— it is growing her roots. She’s a strong, healthy, green singing shoot of a young woman, in no small part because of you. Thank you.”
– Parent of child at Temple Israel Religious School