Enemy Of the Reich, The Noor Inayat Khan Story, brings to life the story of a woman's extraordinary courage, tested during the years of Nazi-occupied Paris. Narrated by Dame Helen Mirren.
Throughout the 1930s, an unimaginable evil tore through Europe as Hitler's Third Reich terrorized its way to domination. During these years, a young Muslim woman living in Paris found her calling. Noor Inayat Khan grew up in a home that fostered faith and hope. She overcame her quiet nature and joined Winston Churchill's covert operation to give the Allies a new chance at victory. She saved the lives of countless Jews and Muslims. After working several years, she was captured and perished at Dachau. This is her story.
Tickets available at door only. Adult: $20; Student: $10
Sponsor: Board of Directors, Young Voices Can!; Sara Vered, Patron