
4 2016

Tot Shabbat at Agudath Israel

10:30AM - 12:00PM  

Agudath Israel Congregation 1400 Coldrey Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1Z 7P9

Contact Emily Anzarouth

Tots and their parents are invited to join us for our monthly Tot Shabbat program on June 4th! Led by Rabbi Zuker, Tot Shabbat is a fun, interactive Shabbat morning service for kids kindergarten-age & younger and their parents! Join us for songs, prayers, stories, and a yummy kid-friendly snack!

This program is free of charge, and membership is not required - all are welcome to join us! No need to register, drop-ins welcome!

Please contact Emily Anzarouth, Youth Director, at youth@agudathisrael.net for more information.