The Official Launch of
Sunday, August 26
Rabbi Scher is known for his insightful analysis of the Torah and how its teachings apply to our modern world. Experience this thought provoking approach through six different platforms, including videos, podcasts, blogs, and more.
Featured Platforms:
Quick Takes
Compelling topics, discussed in the time it takes you to enjoy your morning coffee. These short clips cover issues ranging from Torah, religion, world events, pop culture, and more.
Deep Dive
Rabbi Scher dives in deep to provide analysis of important contemporary issues.
In Conversation With...
An exciting opportunity to hear Rabbi Scher in conversation with leaders from the Jewish community, various religious/cultural groups, and beyond.
E-Talmud Learning Initiative
Judaism is renowned for its inquisitive nature, and critical thought. These attributes stem from the Talmud, Judaism's most important text which is unpacked page by page in these podcasts.
After 50 years at Congregation Machzikei Hadas Rabbi Bulka passed the baton of Rabbinic leadership to Rabbi Scher. Rabbi Bulka, known as Canada's Rabbi is Rabbi Scher's greatest mentor. Listen in as two of Canada's foremost rabbis discuss key issues.
Casual writing, real issues
Connect with Rabbi Scher on:
• Facebook: @rabbischer
• Twitter: @rabbischer
• YouTube: Rabbi Idan Scher
• SoundCloud: Rabbi Idan Scher