The Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation invites you to The Life & Legacy Kickoff
Wednesday, Dec. 10 at 6 pm, SJCC, Social Hall
Light dinner to be served
Kindly RSVP by Dec. 5 to Solange at,
or call 613-798-4696, ext. 252
The Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation is excited to share that we were selected as one of four new organizations to join the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF) Life & Legacy program.
Beginning immediately, we are partnering with HGF to help start this community-wide legacy giving initiative that to date has secured more than 25,000 after-lifetime commitments with an estimated value of almost $1 billion for communities across North America.
Please join us at The Life & Legacy Kickoff to learn more about this amazing program from Harold Grinspoon Foundation community consultant Dena Kaufman.