
10 2016

The Jewish Course Of Why

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Ottawa Torah Centre 111 Lamplighters Drive
Ottawa, ON K2J0C2
613.843.7770 info@theotc.org

Contact Rabbi Blum

$ Cost $ 90.00

Judaism is known for its rational basis, as a place where questions are freely asked and ideas are freely debated. It is that spirit of questioning and discovery that you will encounter in The Jewish Course of Why.

Are you ready to give your Judaism the intellection you know it deserves? Are you prepared to tackle the quizzical, queer, and seemingly-unanswerable questions about Jewish belief and practice? Then signup today for The Jewish Course of Why.

The topics of this course span a diverse range, from fun, light, and off-the-beaten-track questions, to more complex and controversial issues. Ever wondered why there are so many Jews in Hollywood? Why Jews eat gefilte fish and cholent and wish each other mazal tov and l’chaim? Why the Bible sanctions slavery and animal sacrifices? What is the cause of antisemitism? What does Judaism say about Christianity? About the role of women in Jewish life? You will also gain insight into mysterious Jewish practices, strange biblical narratives, and enigmas of Jewish identity.