
15 2023

Telling Our Bubbes' Stories

3:00PM - 4:00PM  

Kehillat Beth Israel
Ottawa, ON


Contact Kara Goodwin

Telling my Bubbe’s Story: CHES Through Their Eyes Next Gen Presentation
Kehillat Beth Israel Synagogue
October 15, 2023, at 3pm

Dahlia Libin, 3rd Generation Through Their Eyes speaker and Calgary Jewish Federation Holocaust and Human Rights Education Co-chair, presents a workshop for next generation Holocaust survivors. She will share her Bubbe Sonia’s story of shtetl life in Horodok, Poland (now Belarus) and survival as a Partisan and other model presentations from the Calgary community.

This is a free event but registration is encouraged:

Register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSep-s29BT46eWSNd_iZtRwash2ky6qdC49yiDW4ZZsMB8FoTw/viewform

Sponsor: CHES, KBI