The wish to achieve and enjoy success and prosperity is one of the most common human drives. And yet, fiction shows how that drive can have unintended consequences that can greatly complicate life’s ethical and emotional dimensions. We will study six works from different contexts and periods that each, in its own way, explores success, prosperity and their discontents: Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Henry James’s Wings of the Dove, Stefan Zweig’s The World of Yesterday, Drew Hayden Taylor’s Cottagers and Indians, Vivek Shanbhag’s Ghachar Ghochar and Ann Patchett’s The Dutch House. Instructor: Professor Gefen Bar-On Santor
The first three works are available freely on the Internet. The course will be taught in such a way that people who have not read the works in advance can still engage in the discussion. This course is offered on Zoom with the choice to attend in person. Please notify Gefen or Sue of your choice.
Sponsor: Soloway JCC