Join us to celebrate Simhat Torah with singing, dancing, delicious food, and great laughs!
5:30 p.m.Family Hakafot - Join Rabbi Scher to dance with Torah and flags! (Lower social Hall)
6:00 p.m. Kids' Dinner - Kids are invited to a light child-friendly dinner ( Lower social hall) Cost: $8/kid
$20/family maximum
6:30 p.m. Grade 1 Siddur Ceremony - Family and friends are all invited to support our younger congregant receiving their siddurs (Sanctuary)
7:00 p.m. Congregation Hakafot! Families are invited and encouraged to stick around for some of the congregational Hakafot! (Sanctuary)
Please join us for dinner and a hilarious trivia contest. Bring your best jokes for a chance to win extra points. Generously sponsored by Rabbi and Dr. Joel and Gail Scher in honour of the wonderful Machzikei Hadas community.
Register online at or by calling the shul office at 613.521.9700.