All are invited to join the Or Haneshemah community at Andrew Haydon Park as we gather to celebrate and explore growth, camp-style, through the traditional structure of our Shabbat morning service led by our educator, Eliyanah Delicate. We will mark the return of Rabbi Liz from education leave, and celebrate the culmination of a year of growth for our Machaneh Shabbat Camp and BaMa’gal/B’nei Mitzvah Group families. We will root ourselves in tradition and leaf out through the innovative as we connect with Shabbat in the beauty of the Park. After the service we will enjoy kiddush and a vegetarian pot-luck picnic lunch together. Meet at 10 am by the river behind the band shell (and in the band shell if it is raining). Bring your lawn chair and games.
Sponsor: Or Haneshamah - Ottawa's Reconstructionist Community