- Attendance is free thanks to generous sponsorship. A donation of $5 (via Eventbrite) to the Ottawa Kosher Food Bank is required to secure your spot.
- Uplifting, participatory Kabbalat Shabbat services at 6:30PM, followed by candle lighting ("Partnership Minyan" style - Men and women sit separately, but share duties in leading services.) For this we will need 10 men and 10 women at minimum - Please sign up via Eventbrite.
- Traditional Shabbat dinner catered by "A Dashing Pinch" (OVH certified Kosher) starting at 7:00PM. Wine, beer, and non-alcoholic drinks included.
- We will be inviting a few attendees to share brief Shabbat Insights - stay tuned!
- For services, we will be using some new melodies that we think you will love, and will be sending recordings in advance so you can come ready to sing.
- We would be grateful for help with set up (starting 5pm) and clean up - please let us know if you are able to assist.
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Jewish Federation of Ottawa's Microgrants program and the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation's Grassroots Events program in making Shabbat Downtown possible.
Join us as Ottawa's Jewish young professional community celebrates Shabbat downtown at One80Five Lyon.
Sign up via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/shabbat-downtown-tickets-96350026523
Tell your friends you're coming on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/192560582092482/