Join us for a Shabbat of Sephardic liturgy and song and authentic Sephardic Cuisine with special guest Clement Soffer.
Friday, November 1
Minhah and Kabbalat Shabbat: 5:40
Shabbat Dinner: 6:30 Daring
Rescue of Syrian Jewry – Part I
Shabbat, November 2
Shaharit: 8:45am
Kiddush Luncheon and lecture directly following Musaf
Preservation of Jewish Artifacts and Cemeteries During the Rescue of Syrian Jewry– Part II
Clement Soffer was expelled from Egypt at age 15. By age 20, he founded the first Jewish Egyptian Synagogue in Brooklyn, New York. Soffer went on to serve as Vice President of the Council for the Rescue of Syrian Jews. He has been honored by the United States Congress for his human rights work rescuing 4,500 Jews Syria and preserving countless Jewish cemeteries there
In partnership with the Sephardic Association of Ottawa
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Generously sponsored by Rabbi and Ilana Benzaquen in honour of the yahrtzeit of Ilana’s father, Yaakov Ben Aziza.
More info at