This conference, co-sponsored by the Jewish Youth Library of Ottawa and Machzikei HaDas Synagogue will promote education and learning related to Seniors personal financial Management and will include talks geared towards Seniors
on retirement planning, financial planning for health care, and wills and estate planning. Keynote speaker is Dan Levitt from British Columbia. He is an acclaimed international speaker, elder care leader, writer and gerontologist, specializing in helping others to create better lives for seniors.
As a popular professional speaker, he has delivered inspiring keynote speeches impacting thousands of people on four continents. Dan doesn't tell people where to go but guides them in the direction of where they need to go. His talks leave the audience with a new mindset on aging needed to thrive in the 21st century. Other acclaimed speakers will be Diane Koven, a financial planner and insurance specialist, Sharon Sholzberg-Gray, who is world renowned, a lawyer and former CEO of the Canadian Healthcare Association and Paul Morton, who is a partner at GGFL and an expert on wills and estate planning.
$18 in advance, please register at our website
$36 at the door.
Sponsor: Co-Sponsored by the Jewish Youth Library of Ottawa and Machzikei HaDas Synagogue. Funded by the Government of Ontario