
27 2018

S3 @ BT

4:00PM - 7:00PM  

Congregation Beit Tikvah of Ottawa 15 Chartwell Ave
Ottawa, ON K2G 4K3
6137231800 shul@cbto.org

Contact Elisheva Brantz

As part of the Shabbat Project, CBTO welcomes the community to come and spend the afternoon keeping Shabbat together

October 27, 2018
4:00 - 6:30pm
Congregation Beit Tikvah
15 Chartwell Ave

Playroom and Activities for Kids (4:30-5:30)

Bored Games for Teens (4:00-6:00)

S3/Seuda Shlishi/Shalosh Seudas for Everyone (5:30-6:30)
pareve Salads, Snacks, and Sweets

Mincha 5:25 pm
Maariv 6:35 pm