
19 2016

Ruach Shabbat with Or Haneshamah

9:45AM - 12:00PM  

Unitarian building 30 Cleary Ave.
Room 5
Ottawa, ON K2A 4A1

Contact Rabbi Liz

Come experience RUACH SHABBAT with Or Haneshamah, Ottawa's Reconstructionist congregation.
Led by Hatha Yoga Instructor Bronwyn Steinberg and Rabbi Liz Bolton
Two dates: January 16 & March 19, 9:45 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Bring your full self to this Shabbat experience. A period of quiet contemplative sitting and chanting will begin a morning of integrating body, mind and spirit. A Torah Yoga service follows, moving through the Shabbat service “on the mat” or in chairs, using gentle Yoga postures. The service incorporates a Torah talk, drawing wisdom and inspiration from the weekly portion.
Chanting begins promptly at 10 a.m. in Room 5 of the Unitarian building, 30 Cleary Ave. THE DOOR TO ROOM 5 WILL BE CLOSED DURING SITTING AND CHANTING. Kindly remain in Room 13 or in the hallways. Door re-opens for Yoga at 10:25, and Yoga Minyan begins promptly at 10:30. We’ll enjoy Kiddush between noon and 12:15, followed by a potluck lunch.
No experience is required. Yoga postures will be accessible to all, and modifications will be offered to those who prefer to use a chair. Mats will be available; feel welcome to bring your own, along with cushions, socks, shawls or anything you’d like to have for your comfort. Dress in comfortable clothes.