Shabbaton examining the status and challenges of Conservative Judaism in Israel
9:45 AM - 12:00 : Shabbat services
12:00 - 1:00: Kiddush lunch
1:15 - 2:15: Dialogue between Rabbi Gorman & Jason Moscovitz
7:45 - 10:00: Havdallah program
1:15 PM - Rabbi Gorman to discuss the Masorti Movement in Israel, and dialogue with Jason Moscovitz, political analyst and Ottawa Jewish Bulletin columnist, looking at struggles, strengths, and growth of liberal Judaism and the Masorti movement in Israel, and how the recent Israeli election will affect this.
7:45 PM - Rabbi Gorman to present some findings of the Jews in Canada survey & the future of Conservative Judaism; re-examine the Who is a Jew question; how connection to Israel keeps our next generation Jewish.
Sponsor: Adath Shalom Congregation