
26 2017

Presentation: “Cracking the code” for Boomer engagement in Jewish life

12:30PM - 2:00PM  

Soloway JCC, Social Hall A 21 Nadolny Sachs Private
Ottawa, K2A 1R9
613-798-4696, ext. 253 sbeutel@jewishottawa.com

Contact Sarah Beutel
613-798-4696, ext. 253

The Age of Not Acting Your Age
“Cracking the code” for Boomer engagement in Jewish life
Lunch and Presentation
Today’s boomers are re-inventing the way agencies think about aging, and are having a huge impact on Jewish life.
Linda Kislowicz, President and CEO of Jewish Federations of Canada, will present findings and lessons learned from the recent survey of Canadian Jewish adults. There are incredible opportunities to connect and engage with this segment of the Jewish population.
Free of charge, but RSVP required to Sarah Beutel at sbeutel@jewishottawa.com
by Friday, April 7.