
10 2015

Pre-Rosh Hashanah Mikvah for women only

1:00PM - 5:00PM  

Naomi Bulka Mikveh, rear of the Soloway JCC 21 Nadolny Sachs Private
Ottawa, ON K2A 1R9

Contact Anna Maranta

Pre-Rosh Hashanah Mikvah - for women only

It is customary to use the mikveh at times of transition, whether in one’s personal life or at times throughout the Jewish year. Each year, I lead a ritual involving the use of the mikveh to mark the ending of one year, and the beginning of the next New Year.
Using poetry, prayer, and the healing waters of the mikvah we leave behind the past, and ready ourselves for the New.

If you are interested, please RSVP:
I will send some information about the mikveh ritual, and what to expect. A donation of $18 to 36 will be accepted to offset the cost of the use of the mikveh. Please bring your cash donation in a sealed envelope.

For more information, please contact Anna Maranta, 613.867.5505 or