
4 2013

Prayer & Celebration

7:30PM - 9:00PM  

Agudath Israel Synagogue 1400 Coldrey Ave.

Contact Patsy Royer

Musica Ebraica choir, conducted by Norman E. Brown, presents "Prayer & Celebration" -- Liturgical Music from Around the World. Special Guest: Chazzan Jeremy Burko. Other soloists: Erinne-Colleen Laurin, Barbara Okun, Ken Mak and Kyle Merrithew. M.C. Rob Clipperton. Carol Gurofsky, Accompanist. Tickets $20 ($15 -- students) at Leading Note, CD Warehouse, Compact Music or (613) 233-3099 proyer@rogers.com , or at the door. Agudath Isael Synagogue, 1400 Coldrey Ave., Ottawa at 7.30 pm.