Bring home the warmth and fun of the Festival of Lights!PJ Library Ottawa and the Soloway JCC Children's Department are pleased to offer Chanukah activity kits for $10 each. These kits are designed for one child, ages 3+ and include small pieces that may require adult supervision during assembly.
Each kit contains:
- one Chanukah menorah with candles
- nut-free, dairy-free, kosher gelt (chocolate coins)
- Chanukah-themed scratch art or foil art
- dreidel bead art
- Chanukah-themed melt beads
- Chanukah-themed cookie cutters - plus a sugar cookie recipe!
Once ordered, kits may be picked up in person outside the SJCC at 21 Nadolny sachs Pvt. on Sunday, November 21, 11 am - 1 pm, or by appointment weekdays by contacting Gail Lieff:, 613-798-9818 x303 or Lindsay Newman:, 613-798-4696 x272.