Photographing the Posthumous Landscape in Western Ukraine with Photographer/Filmmaker David Kaufman
David Kaufman has made numerous trips to Poland to document what he calls the Posthumous Landscape - Jewish historical sites in the post-Holocaust world. In 2016 Kaufman took a journey through western Ukraine, photographing synagogues, cemeteries, and former Jewish neighborhoods in Lviv (Lvov), Chernivtsi, (Czernowitz), and 18 small cities and towns in the region. The area once had a Jewish population of 800,000, but today fewer than 5,000 Jews inhabit the region and their communities are struggling to survive. In this talk, illustrated with photographic projections, Kaufman will discuss the precarious state of Jewish material culture in a part of the world that has largely forgotten about its illustrious Jewish past.
Sponsor: Soloway JCC