
7 2015

Ottawa Talmud Circle

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

The Glebe Minyan
This event takes place on the first and third Monday evening of each month for the entire year. 64 Powell Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1S2A1

Contact Rabbi Anna Maranta

The Talmud has been part of the Jewish tradition for over 2,000 years. Historically study of the Talmud has been limited to men. This group is open to all who are interested in studying Talmud. We will be studying the Talmud in English.

No prior experience is necessary. Sessions will be facilitated by Talia Johnson.

Bring an open mind and a desire to explore this rich text that continues to inform and provide a base for Jewish spiritual practice.

Cost: free-will offering as you are able, suggested amount between $9.00 and $18.00. Everyone welcome. No one will be turned away.