Or Haneshamah's annual Community Passover Seder will take place on Saturday, March 31 at 6:00 pm. We will again be holding two concurrent Seders, both at the Unitarian building, 30 Cleary Ave:
• A community Seder geared for families with children of all ages but open to anyone who would like a shorter Seder of about an hour. Share the four cups and the four questions, enjoy the lively pace, a delicious meal, and all the familiar songs and customs.
• An immersive, leisurely seder, led by Rabbi Liz Bolton. Dig into the perennial yet relevant questions around freedom, liberation, and identity. Engage the ritual practices and texts, imbued with contemporary resonance.
Registration is open now to OrH members and affiliates. Registration opens to the broader Ottawa community on March 13.
Both Seders are potluck events. OrH will supply table dressings, gefilte fish, matzot, non-alcoholic drinks, coffee, tea and wine. Cost is $20 for adults, $10 for children under 13 (free for those under 4) until Wednesday, March 21; $30 for adults and $15 for children thereafter. No one will be turned away due to financial constraints; to discuss, contact seder@orh.ca. Details and registration at www.orh.ca