
11 2017

Or Haneshamah's Community Seder

6:00PM - 8:00PM  

Or Haneshamah 30 Cleary Ave
Ottawa, ON K2A 4A1
613-239-4988 Info@orh.ca


$ Cost $ 30.00

Join one of two OrH community potluck Seders, taking place concurrently on the second night of Passover:

- A community seder for families with children of all ages. Share the four cups and the four questions, enjoy the lively pace, a delicious meal, and all the familiar songs and customs. Led by OrH Educator Eliyanah Delicate

- A new OrH offering: an immersive, leisurely seder. Dig into the perennial yet relevant questions around freedom, liberation, and identity. Engage the ritual practices and texts, imbued with contemporary resonance. Led by Rabbi Liz

Registration will open to the wider community after April 2. $30 adults, $15 children under 13. No one will be turned away due to financial constraints - contact seder@orh.ca

Sponsor: Or Haneshamah