Congregation Machzikei Hadas Presents:
The screening of “On The Map”
About On The Map: Israel’s Miracle on the Basketball Court
In 1977, a group of unknown Israeli Basketball players, against all odds, competed for the European Cup Basketball Finals against the skilled Soviet Basketball team, and previous Gold Medal Olympic champions.
5:30-7:00 PM Delicious BBQ, featuring hamburgers, hot dogs, fries, soft drinks and dessert for saleFood for Purchase at Pop-Up BBQ
Catered by Kardash Kosher Catering
5:45 PM-6:30 PM Basketball Clinic
Free Basketball Clinic led by Barry Bregman and the Celtics Basketball Club
For kids from age 5 to 16
Outside at the shul's newly renovated basketball court
6:15 PM Free Throw Contest with Prizes
The Main Event
7:15 PM "On The Map" Movie
8:55 PM "On The Map" Dessert Reception to Follow the Movie
Advance Ticket Sales
$12 Per Adult • $5 Per Child
Maximum $30 Per Family
At The Door Prices
$15 Per Adult • $8 Per Child
Event Chair: Paul Bregman
Register online or by contacting the shul office.