Meet Tanzanian Save A Child's Heart Medical Trainee Dr. Stella Mbawla. Dr. Mbawla is a 36-year old mother of three training under Dr. Alona Racher Sternfeld, head of Pediatric Cardiology at Wolfson Medical Centre, home of Save A Child's Heart. Dr. Stella's long-term goal is to serve as an independent pediatric cardiologist in Tanzania
5 pm Networking; 6 pm Greetings from Negev Dinner honourees, Sharon and David Appotive; 6:30 pm remarks from Dr. Stella.
RSVP is needed as space is limited. Please consider donations and buying tickets to this year's JNF Ottawa Negev Dinner honouring Sharon and David Appotive in support of building a Pediatric Surgical Unit at Save a Child's Heart in Holon, Israel.