
1 2016

Multifaith Housing Initiative Tulipathon

2:30PM - 4:30PM  

Contact Sahada Alolo

On Sunday, May 1st, MHI will hold its annual Tulipathon. This event is a walkathon where faith communities come together in support of affordable housing. Last year, over 40 different faith communities participated and raised $27K. Join with others from your faith group and bring a sign showing your group’s support for MHI.

Time: 2.30 p.m. for registration; walk begins at 3 p.m.
Place: Commissioner’s Park across from the Dow’s Lake Pavilion - entrance at Carling and Preston.

Refreshments, face painting, etc. Don't forget to bring your own water bottle! There is no registration fee for the event, although you are encouraged to solicit pledges. The 3.2 km walk through the tulip festival area is a great chance to get outside and the refreshments at the end offer a chance to engage with other faith communities.

Need a pledge form? Please contact the MHI office administrator at