Join us for a day of good deeds!
Register now at
Chairs:Naomi &Jonathan Mitchell
What we are collecting:
• Soccer balls, basketballs, and knee/elbow pads for the Barrhaven Multi-Faith Housing Initiative;
• Games, books, toys (not stuffed animals or other plush toys) for the Youville Centre which serves
adolescent mothers and their children;
• Adult-size gloves, socks, underwear, toiletries (all new) and gently used men’s winter boots,
as well as soft peanut-free Nutrigrain Bars for Street Smarts, a program of Jewish Family Services;
(Please drop off items in the SJCC lobby by Jan. 29)
• Electronic Waste Recycling (please visit our website for a list of acceptable items).
New this year!
Early check-in, Jan. 29, 6-7 pm in SJCC lobby.
Sponsor: GGFL