
26 2024

Miracles on the Mountain - Skiing and Chanukah Celebration @ Edelweiss

4:00PM - 5:30PM  

Sommet Edelweiss 538 Ch Edelweiss
Wakefield, QC J0X 3G0

Contact Cantor Jason Green

KBI and Temple Israel are teaming up to welcome the wider Jewish community at Sommet Edelweiss for a festive “Après Ski” Chanukah celebration, including latkes and sufganiyot, fun crafts, and a heartwarming communal Chanukah candle lighting. Book your skiing on your own, then join us in the chalet at 4pm.

FREE, thanks to a generous JFO MicroGrant, but let us know you're coming so we can feed you and contact you in case of a change of plans. Register at

Let’s celebrate together! All ages are welcome!

Sponsor: Jewish Federation of Ottawa MicroGrant