You're invited!... to a very family-friendly pre-Chanukah and Menorah-testing party!
Please plan to come early and join us for a craft celebrating Chanukah.
We'll have a delicious and nutritious dinner for all, available at around 5:30 pm.
Starting after 6:00 pm, we'll test our Menorahs together and have a Chanukah sing-along to get us ready for the upcoming holiday.
Cost: $5 per person or $15 per family payable at the door
Please bring your menorah and two candles. We'll test it to make sure that it works after being in storage all year! Please also bring a musical instrument of your choice so that we can practice our Chanukah songs together. Feel free to suggest play list options for the party. Popular songs include: Chanukah oh Chanukah, I have a little Dreidel, Ma-oz Tzur, and others!
Sponsor: Jewish Federation of Ottawa