
8 2024

Long-term Care at Hillel Lodge in the Post-Pandemic World

9:45AM - 12:00PM  

Ottawa Jewish Community School (enter by front door) 31 Nadolny Sachs Private
Ottawa, ON K2A 1R9

Contact Paul Adler
613 521-0170

Ted Cohen, Director, Hillel Lodge will deliver a Shabbat morning D'var Torah on how the Lodge is seeking to meet the needs of current and future residents in the post-Covid world.

In the Bamidbar Torah portion,  we read about the organization and census of the Israelites, reflecting the importance of structure and community—a principle fundamental to Hillel Lodge's work in long-term care. Just as the tribes of Israel each had specific roles and responsibilities, so too does every member of our team, from frontline caregivers to support staff, play a crucial role in the well-being of our residents. This D'var Torah will discuss how we are grappling with the challenges faced in health care to ensure we foster a community where every individual at the Bess and Moe Greenberg Family Hillel Lodge LTC of Ottawa is valued and cared for, ensuring a compassionate and supportive environment for all.

Sponsor: Adath Shalom Congregation Adult Education