
16 2024

Launch of the KBI Queer Storytelling Workshop

6:30PM - 8:30PM  

Kehillat Beth Israel Congregation 1400 Coldrey Ave.
Ottawa, ON K1Z 7P9
613 728-3501

Contact Jeremy Rosenberg
613 728-3501

Are you a Queer Jew looking to engage with others in our community in a creative way? Come join the new KBI Queer Storytelling Workshop.

Batia Winer, a proud member of KBI and the 2SLGBTQ1+ community, will facilitate six two-hour workshops in which we will practice writing and presenting our stories in a safe space. The workshops will culminate in sharing our stories in front of an audience in June 2025.

The first meeting will be on Monday, September 16, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (the room at KBI will be confirmed).

Queer Jews of all ages have stories of love, joy, heartbreak, and acceptance to tell.

Click here to register by September 9, 2024