KBI presents a special concert to raise money for Jewish youth camping and Israel trips, and the Leslie Shinder Choir Fund in support of the KBI Music Program.
ECHOES OF THE SOUL - The Music of Julian Dawes
With Cantor Jason Green
The KBI Choir,
Roland Graham, piano
Gabriela Ruiz, cello
And Featuring the Ottawa Regional Youth Choir
Julian Dawes (London, UK) is a prolific composer, pianist and teacher. In his inimitable musical style, he has written scores for countless stage, TV, radio and concert hall productions in the UK and world-wide. His latest oratorio was "Pesach Cantata", written for Cantor Jason Green and his son Zev. Early last spring, Julian's new CD, "Echoes of the Soul" (on which Cantor Green is featured), was released to critical acclaim. This concert features live performances and excerpts from the CD, which will be available for sale, autographed, on the night.
$20 General admission ($15 students)
$100 Reserved seating with reception following the concert
Sponsorship opportunities at various levels which include program/adbook space and ticket/reception package
For all these, visit: www.kehillatbethisrael.com/echoes-concert