
10 2017

KBI & Mercaz Canada present "Beit Ha'am" ~ An adult education series

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Kehillat Beth Israel 1400 Coldrey Ave.
Ottawa, ON K1Z 7P9

Contact David Roytenberg

A series of discussions concerning the connection of the Jewish community in Canada with the State of Israel
Three dates:
October 10 at 7:00 p.m.:Sukkat Shalom -- A Tabernacle of Peace
Marking the life and achievements of Shimon Peres z"l, founder, Prime Minister and President, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and international icon of Zionism. We will read some of his own writing and discuss his legacy.  As well, we will discuss the present situation in Israel, and how to advance his objective of peace between Arabs and Jews.  All are welcome to come and share your own thoughts on the life and legacy of Shimon Peres.
November 7 at 7:00 p.m.: The Jewish Voice
We will discuss the role Jews outside of Israel have to play in shaping events in Israel.  What is our right to be heard?  What is our responsibility as Jews living beyond Israel's borders for acting on the Israeli intellectual and political stage?  What is our role in bringing issues involving Israel to the attention of the people of Canada?
December 5 at 7:00 p.m.: The Vote
Marking the 70th anniversary of the UN vote to partition Palestine into Arab and Jewish states,  we will look at the events surrounding that watershed event and use this as a launching pad for a discussion of the strategy of partition in the so-far unsuccessful effort to resolve the Arab Israeli conflict.
To RSVP: Please contact David Roytenberg at droytenberg@yahoo.com