Join KBI for Kabbalat Shabbat in Hampton Park! All are welcome and are invited to BYO dairy/pareve picnic dinner.
In the event of inclement weather - Kabbalat Shabbat will be held in the synagogue at 1400 Coldrey Ave.
Sponsor: Kehillat Beth Israel
9 2017
6:00PM - 7:00PM
Hampton Park (behind the Food Basics, off of Kirkwood north of Carling)
Deborah Zuker
Join KBI for Kabbalat Shabbat in Hampton Park! All are welcome and are invited to BYO dairy/pareve picnic dinner.
In the event of inclement weather - Kabbalat Shabbat will be held in the synagogue at 1400 Coldrey Ave.
Sponsor: Kehillat Beth Israel