
9 2025

Jew Hate and its Assault on Canadian Values

3:00PM - 5:00PM  

Location will be shared prior to the event

Contact Jodi Green
613-798-4696 x228

Join Professor Gil Troy, a Senior Fellow in Zionist Thought at the JPPI - the global think tank of the Jewish people -- and the author of "To Resist the Academic Intifada: Letters to My Students on Defending the Zionist Dream.”

Professor Troy will discuss tangible actions we can all take to reduce antisemitism, other forms of hate, and ultimately recreate a Canada we can take pride in and where we all feel safe.

Copies of his book will be on sale at the event.

Register here

Sponsor: Jewish Federation of Ottawa, Meeting Pointe Ministries, One Way Ministries, Machzikei Hadas