TAMIR Foundation (www.tamir.ca) is pleased to invite you to participate in an engaging 90 minute session on May 20th from 1:00 – 2:30 pm where we will share and discuss the results from the 2021 Jewish Disability Inclusion Awareness Month (JDAIM) survey. This will be the first of two sessions. Session one will focus on a review the questions asked on the Crowdbridge platform, the eliciting of new feedback, for respondents in attendance to validate the themes that surfaced during the initial conversation, and to have the opportunity to share any additional insights.
The second session on June 2nd 1:00 – 2:30PM will follow two weeks later, and focus on moving beyond conversation to exploring and planning for steps that can be taken in both the short and long-term to address barriers to inclusion. Both sessions will be facilitated by People Minded Business, an organization that specializes in inclusive consultation, collaboration, and co-creation.
We hope you will join us, as we are confident that we can accomplish great things together.
Here is the link to register for JDAIM Follow-up Session #2 on June 2nd, from 1 – 2:30 pm:
We look forward to seeing you on June 2nd to continue the conversation.